The Beginning

I don't like to put myself out there much but I feel the need to share a new part of my life! I'm barely 3 weeks in but have put my heart & soul into this.. anyone who knows me well knows I've struggled with my weight & fibro for a long time. 3 weeks ago I decided to make a change.. Working out to my beach body at least 6 days a week & eating healthier. Yes I've lost a few pounds and even more inches but I've gained SO much more! A positive attitude all around, energy I haven't had since high school, confidence to push out of my comfort zone & determination to be a better example for my family! The fatigue is real, a daily struggle to give up.. but I feel great every time I press play! Today I did my dirty 30 fix while playing peekaboo through my arms & legs to keep Miss Jacki entertained.. I LOVED it! Happy Monday, everyone!! Kick it hard today! Â