What kind of people do you surround yourself with?

A couple weeks ago I asked a co-worker if it was ok that I had peanut butter cookies for lunch.. she chuckled & said "Oh, Angela.. no.." I began to feel guilty (cause I had already eaten them) and started defending myself with the fact that I had prepped all my healthy foods for the day and never bake but did the night before so I brought cookies. She told me how awesome it was that I had been prepping & focusing on my nutrition and we moved on.

I need people like that in my life.. if I go through life surrounding myself by people who always say "Oh you have had a rough week, go for it! You deserve it." I'm never going to change.. and I'm never going to love myself. I'm glad my co-worker said no it wasn't ok, she didn't condemn me, she didn't lecture me, she simply said no, it's not really ok. Now I'm not saying I can't ever have cookies, I'm a realist!! I'm saying I want people to tell me the truth with compassion! I'm not on a diet & workout program.. I'm on a journey to a healthy me who loves myself regardless of all my imperfections, and this journey will never end. It's a lifestyle!!

I have had my fair share of stresses over the last 10 years, but that's no reason to just give up on myself! I found my tribe.. these ladies support me when I make a poor choice (usually an emotional one) but challenge me to do it differently next time. They don't lecture me but they don't let me believe the excuses either!

Surround yourself with positivity, honesty, and grace. It will change your world!!